Aquí hay una explicación sobre el tema del blogueo. No explica mucho, pero cuenta donde estoy, cosa que yo no estoy autorizado a hacer. Y aquí hay otro artículo del Washington Post.

Es en momentos como estos que me doy cuenta que ser emprendedor bloguero es muy difícil. He escuchado cosas interesantísimas, pero las reglas son muy estrictas y no las puedo contar. Si puedo contar algunas cosas que pasan en privado y con el consentimiento de la otra persona.

Puedo contar que anoche cené con Michael Dell y que en una hora nos vamos a subir la montaña en bicicleta (¡espero que los entrenamientos en Morcuera y Canencia sirvan de algo!). Puedo contar que estamos en conversaciones con Blake Kirkorian de Sling Media para hacer un bundle. Pero hay muchas otras cosas que están surgiendo para FON en esta conferencia que lamentablemente no puedo contar.

Mis disculpas. Se que estoy defraudando con la promesa de bloguear la historia de FON en detalle. Lo que si estoy haciendo es guardando notas para cuando pueda contarlas.

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DJNowel en julio 13, 2006  · 

Di que si,no te compliques, desde te damos nuestro apoyo.

3,0 rating

Alex en julio 13, 2006  · 

Ese chandal de adidas para las grandes ocasiones!!

3,0 rating

ernesto en julio 13, 2006  · 

Tranquilo Martin, tu a tu rollo…

(por cierto estas matón con la camiseta de camuflaje de los rolling y ese chandal…¿eso no será de Jocomomola, no?

suerte con tus negocios…

3,0 rating

Abel Elorza en julio 13, 2006  · 

Tranquilo Martín!!! No desesperes!!! Dale caña a la bici, que cuando puedas NO DEJARAS DE CONTARNOS!!! 😀

3,0 rating

manu_drac en julio 13, 2006  · 

No te preocupes, si no te dejan, no te dejan 😀 Cap problema. Una vez que acabe esas conferencias y tal, podrás contar algo? o tampoco te dejarán?

3,0 rating

nadie en julio 14, 2006  · 

Y en esa conferencia snobista elitista de masones no os planteais como ejercer presión a los gobiernos corruptos enriquecidos para que se acaben las guerras y el hambre en el mundo?, o sólo hablais de cómo inflar vuestros bolsillos?

3,0 rating

gaseosie en julio 14, 2006  · 

No te preocupes Martín que nos enteraremos de lo que pase, hoy en día es difícil que el contenido de alguna conferencia se mantenga en secreto (creo que solo los de Bilderberg lo consiguen).

National press flocks to ‘Camp Allen’

by GREG MOORE- The Idaho Mountain Express

Despite the secretive nature of Allen & Co.’s annual summer conference, about two dozen reporters from the national press are hovering around the Sun Valley Inn this week hoping to pick up whatever tidbits of news or media-industry gossip they can.
The conference combines serious panel discussions on cutting-edge happenings in the information and technology industries during the mornings with outdoor fun, such as whitewater raft trips, during the afternoons—a «camp for billionaires,» as one reporter put it.
Ever since the New York-based investment firm held its first conference in Sun Valley in 1982, business reporters have been drawn by the presence of such industry heavyweights as Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch and Michael Eisner. For a few days each summer, said Associated Press reporter Michael Liedtke, Sun Valley rivals Wall Street for the potential deal making and industry tete-a-tetes that go on.
This year, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Post, The Associated Press, Bloomberg, Reuters and CNBC are all «covering» the event. Although they can’t do so in the normal sense, since all of the conference’s presentations are closed to the press, there’s plenty to keep tabs on
«It’s all about the periphery,» said Andrew Ross Sorkin, who covers mergers and acquisitions for The New York Times. «It’s about what happens outside the formal conference—who’s talking to whom, and about what to whom. An enormous number of transactions that have transformed the media—their seeds have been planted here.»
Sorkin writes a column called DealBook. He’s filing daily dispatches called «Sun Valley Diary» and said he plans to write his Sunday column on possible deals arranged at the conference.
Reporters said that even if they don’t get much breaking news from the event, it’s a great place to make or strengthen contacts.
«It’s a rare opportunity to see these guys outside the office,» Liedtke said.
Victoria Will, a photographer for the New York Post, said the conference provides a chance to get stock photos of industry luminaries. On Wednesday, a gaggle of photographers in front of the Inn raised their cameras as each person filed out the door during a break—just in case it was someone worth getting a picture of.
All the journalists covering this year’s conference appear to be serious business reporters—not tabloid snoops or paparazzi. Even so, there’s an element of people watching to the coverage.
«It’s when all the media moguls that we cover hang out together for a week,» said Los Angeles Times business reporter Sallie Hofmeister. «People just eat this up in L.A. Everyday people read about it because it’s the lifestyles of the rich and famous.»
The media aren’t invited to the conference, but organizers realize they’re going to come anyway, and grudgingly put up with their presence.
«If everybody follows the ground rules, we get along pretty well,» said Brian Caughlin, an employee of the security service that Allen & Co. flys in from New York for the occasion.
The reporters are prohibited from entering the Limelight Room, where the conference is taking place, and asked not to push for interviews with people who don’t want to be talked to. On Wednesday, several burly security guards shooed photographers away from the front of the Inn. The photographers cooperated by standing a little farther back.
Tim Arango, a business reporter with the New York Post, said he does most of his interviews at the conference over the phone so his sources don’t have to be worried about being seen with him.
The New York Times’ Sorkin acknowledges that the conference’s privacy allows participants to speak more openly with each other, but said it probably results in even more of a lure for the press.
«The secrecy has helped create this mystique about the conference, that there are important things going on here that you desperately need to know about but can’t,» he said.
Generally, the reporters and photographers hanging out at the Sun Valley Inn on Wednesday appeared to be having a good time hunting down their elusive quarry. However, Arango probably echoed the sentiments of a lot of people who work in the Wood River Valley when he said, «I do have fun covering the conference, but I have more fun when the work’s done and I can go fishing.»

3,0 rating

gaseosie en julio 14, 2006  · 

Rupert Murdoch, Warren Buffett to speak at Allen & Co. conference
Private retreat to be held at Sun Valley from July 11-16
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch and investor Warren Buffett—the second richest man in the world—will be among the speakers at Allen & Co.’s well known but secretive annual summer conference at Sun Valley Resort next week.
Allen and Co. is an investment banking firm in New York City that specializes in the mergers and acquisitions of companies in the entertainment, information and technology fields. Since the conference was first held at Sun Valley in 1982, the list of attendees has included high-tech wizards such as Bill Gates, entertainment business executives such as Disney’s former CEO Michael Eisner, and media powers such as Murdoch.
As usual, organizers this year have refused to make public the names of either the conference attendees or speakers. However, a schedule was published last week in the LA Weekly’s «Deadline Hollywood» column. It includes the following items:
• On Wednesday, July 12, Allen & Co. Chairman Don Keough will speak on «The Ten Commandments for Business Failure.»
• On Thursday, July 13, a presentation is scheduled on Amgen Inc., a biotechnology firm, as well as panel discussions on «Can We End Our Oil Addiction?» and «Seeking to Understand Latin America.» The latter discussion will be moderated by retired NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw.
• On Friday, July 14, Eisner is scheduled to interview Barry Diller, Murdoch and Sir Howard Stringer. Diller is former CEO of Paramount Pictures and now CEO of IAC/InterActiveCorp, a media conglomerate specializing in e-commerce. Murdoch is chairman of News Corp., which owns Fox News, the New York Post and other media. Stringer is CEO of Sony Corporation.
• Also on Friday will be «A Healthcare Presentation» by Andy Grove, with Dr. Toby Cosgrove, Laura Landro and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt. Grove is ex-chair of Intel, the world’s largest microchip maker, Cosgrove is CEO of The Cleveland Clinic and Landro is a Wall Street Journal reporter.
• On Saturday, July 15, PBS interview show host Charlie Rose will interview Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathoway, a leading investments company. Buffett recently made headlines for his announcement that he will give away 85 percent of his $42 billion fortune, most of it to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
• Also on Saturday, there will be a panel discussion on «The Fast and the Curious—New Technologies Racing to Market.»
As in previous years, a long list of outdoor activities and social gatherings is also planned during the five-day event.

3,0 rating

XL en julio 14, 2006  · 

Lo del Bildeberg es mucho cuento y poco más, en realidad es un estilo Fprp de Davos en pequeñito… Nada de fantasias dominadoras… es más son incapaces de ponerse de acuerdo en muchas cosas, las 2 últimas van a la greña entre europeos y americanos… Por aquello de la guerra de Irak…
Y es difícil mantener la discreción de lo que pasa por que más del 60% de los que asisten son nuevos que van cambiando cada año…

3,0 rating

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